2. задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, начиная со слов в скобках. a) we saw them yesterday. (when? ) b) she is looking for sam. (who? ) c) they were not prepared for the test. (why? ) d) he has given me his old bicycle. (what? ) e) i made 3 mistakes in this exercise. (how many? ) f) his pen friend lives in milan. (where? ) g) we’ll meet at the corner of our street. (where? ) h) they were playing from 5 till 6 yesterday. (what? )

OVSANKASIR OVSANKASIR    1   17.07.2019 23:50    5

dumargarita dumargarita  21.09.2020 20:58
À)when did we see them ?
b)who is looking for Sam?
who is she looking for?
c)why weren't they prepared for the test?
d)what has he given me?
e)how many mistakes did I make in this exercise?
f)where does his pen friend live?
g)where will we meet?
h)what were they doing from5 till6 yesterday?
99880 99880  21.09.2020 20:58
A)When did we see them?
b)Who is looking for them?
c)Why were they not prepared for test?(может по-другому)
d)What has he given me?
e)How many mistakes did you make in this exercise?
f)Where does his pen friend live?
g)Where will we meet?
h)What were they doing from 5 till 6 yesterday?
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