2 Writing. 1 Look at the picture and think about definition «The Natural World». What does it mean for you? 2 Watch the videos and then think about your essay, words (vocabulary), recommendations
(should) for people, use linking words and adjectives. Degrees of comparison.

What is the most beautiful
Do you enjoy going to the
thing in nature? Why?
zoo? Some people consider
Where is the best place in
zoos to be cruel
your country to see or
environments for animals.
experience nature?
What do you think?
Where is nature at its most
What do you think about
beautiful – the mountains,
hunting animals? Would
oceans, deserts, beaches,
you like to try it?
space, or forests? Why do
you think so?
Какое самое симпатичное животное
7. Почему люди должны заботиться о себе
вы можете себе представить? Как
о самом уродливом?

2 Writing. 1 Look at the picture and think about definition «The Natural World». What does it mean f

alex1439 alex1439    1   09.03.2021 08:53    0

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