2 ** Write affirmative or negative sentences using have got.
1 / three computer games
I've got three computer games.
1 they / a new CD
2 my brother/not/a bike
3 we/not / a laptop
4 Ann and James / a big dog
5 1/not/ a notebook in my bag
6 my friend / a good camera

p5wf389f p5wf389f    2   01.09.2020 20:24    9

Ульяна11111112 Ульяна11111112  15.10.2020 16:37

1 They have got a new CD

2 My brother hasn't got a bike

3 We haven't got a laptop

4 Ann and James have got a big dog

5 I haven't got a notebook in my bag

6 My friend has got a good camera.

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