2 VOCABULARY confusing verbs Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
She was
wearing blue earrings and carrying
red handbag. (carry, wear)
2 Tiger Woods has already
tournaments and
quite young. (earn, win)
3 A What did your mum
a lot of golf
a fortune and he's still
B She
me I couldn't go out tonight.
(say, tell)
4 Jack was
that his girlfriend would call to say
she was sorry. He
by the phone all evening
but, unfortunately, she never called him. (hope, wart)
5 My parents
the whole wedding video but
brother decided to
the photos instead.
(look at, watch)
6 I've
her for years. I
ber when
we were at university. (know, meet)
the dinner, I'll
7 If you
washing up. (do, make)
8 A Dol
OK, Dad?
B You
fantastic - in fact you​

2 VOCABULARY confusing verbs Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.She waswearing blue earri

daniil069531671 daniil069531671    1   05.05.2021 06:09    35