2. Vocabulary 1. Complete the sentences with the right words below.
A design student has created a ‘walking’ chair which he hopes one day help 1 -ABLE people to get around more 2- EASY. It’s 21-year- old 3- CREATE, Martin Harris, said the machine operates like a conventional electric wheelchair, with one important 4- DIFFERENT. Instead of wheels Harris’ 5- INVENT has got six metal legs on each side. This gives the user far greater 6- FREE of movement. The chair can be 7- USE indoors while also having the 8- ABLE to cross soft surfaces such as sand or grass, which can prove difficult for wheelchairs. Harris came up with the idea after being 9- INSPIRE by the ‘walking sculptures’ of Dutch 10- ART and engineer Theo Jansen, whose giant skeletons can walk across beaches.​

vipccccvip vipccccvip    3   18.05.2021 12:47    0

еааа2платьев еааа2платьев  17.06.2021 22:30

A design student has created a ‘walking’ chair which he hopes one day help DISABLED people to get around more EASILY It’s 21-year- old CREATOR, Martin Harris, said the machine operates like a conventional electric wheelchair, with one important DIFFERENCE. Instead of wheels Harris’ INVENTION has got six metal legs on each side. This gives the user far greater FREEDOM of movement. The chair can be USED indoors while also having the ABILITY to cross soft surfaces such as sand or grass, which can prove difficult for wheelchairs. Harris came up with the idea after being INSPIRED by the ‘walking sculptures’ of Dutch ARTISIT and engineer Theo Jansen, whose giant skeletons can walk across beaches.

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