2 Use the adjectives from the word square to complete the sentences. 1 It was very kind of you to help me with my homework. 2 She's a bit . That's why she didn't talk to many people at the party. 3 It's to talk with your mouth full. 4 Sally isn't very She prefers to listen to other people. 5 Mark is very He always thinks things will get worse! 6 All the students were very towards me on my first day at my new school. 7 She is too to help me with the housework. 8 Harry's very He's always telling jokes. 9 After waiting over half an hour for the bus, Ben began to get 10 It was very of you to pay for my coffee.

2 Use the adjectives from the word square to complete the sentences. 1 It was very kind of you to he

дильназСпецназ дильназСпецназ    3   08.09.2021 09:55    98

napokinnuu napokinnuu  08.09.2021 10:00

wait even if they are so many

Sendula Sendula  21.01.2024 13:56
1) It was very kind of you to help me with my homework.
2) She's a bit shy. That's why she didn't talk to many people at the party.
3) It's impolite to talk with your mouth full.
4) Sally isn't very talkative. She prefers to listen to other people.
5) Mark is very pessimistic. He always thinks things will get worse!
6) All the students were very friendly towards me on my first day at my new school.
7) She is too lazy to help me with the housework.
8) Harry's very humorous. He's always telling jokes.
9) After waiting over half an hour for the bus, Ben began to get impatient.
10) It was very generous of you to pay for my coffee.

1) "Kind" is used to describe someone who is helpful and considerate.
2) "Shy" is used to describe someone who is hesitant or uncomfortable in social situations.
3) "Impolite" is used to describe someone who lacks manners or etiquette.
4) "Talkative" is used to describe someone who likes to talk a lot.
5) "Pessimistic" is used to describe someone who always expects negative outcomes.
6) "Friendly" is used to describe someone who is amiable and welcoming.
7) "Lazy" is used to describe someone who lacks motivation or doesn't like to do work.
8) "Humorous" is used to describe someone who is funny and likes to make others laugh.
9) "Impatient" is used to describe someone who becomes easily frustrated or annoyed when they have to wait.
10) "Generous" is used to describe someone who is willing to share or give freely.

Step-by-step solution:
1) The sentence requires an adjective that describes someone who is helpful and considerate. "Kind" fits this description.
2) The sentence states that the person didn't talk to many people because of a certain trait. "Shy" is an adjective that fits this context.
3) The sentence describes a behavior that is considered impolite. "Impolite" is the appropriate adjective for this sentence.
4) The sentence describes someone who prefers to listen rather than talk. "Talkative" is the opposite, so the correct adjective is "not talkative" or "not very talkative".
5) The sentence describes someone who always expects negative outcomes. "Pessimistic" is an adjective that fits this context.
6) The sentence describes the behavior of the students towards the speaker. "Friendly" is an adjective that accurately conveys this meaning.
7) The sentence states that the person is not willing to help with the housework. "Lazy" is an adjective that fits this description.
8) The sentence describes someone who likes to tell jokes. "Humorous" or "funny" are adjectives that convey this meaning.
9) The sentence describes Ben's reaction to waiting for the bus. "Impatient" accurately portrays his frustration or annoyance.
10) The sentence expresses gratitude for someone paying for the coffee. "Generous" is an adjective that describes this act.
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