2 Thеу got angry. - NO PASSIVE 3 Millions of people visit the National Gallery
4 The buned many English kings and queens in Westminster Abbey
$People play football everywhere
6 Children nun and jump every day
7 They look after children very well in the kindergarten
8 Many people prefer tea
9 Somebody took the children home.
10 We try to do our bеѕt at school
Il People make many different things from wood
TZThe pupils answered all the questions.
2. Active or passet
1. They had close) the road to the airport,
2 Butter sour cream and cottage cheese
(make) from mit
(steal) last week
4 Oh no! Somebody
take) my car
5 Yesterday we went to the cinema. The film
(show) in English
(silver use for
(you invite) to the party
7 The party is going to be nice Whom
8 Our house
(build) five years ago
9 Our school canteen is very good. Everything
(freshly / cook) here
10 When
(the telephone / invent)?

AliAlinka2006 AliAlinka2006    3   19.05.2021 20:15    1

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