2. The doctor warned me that I 5 (not/get) better unless I 6(eat) sensibly. 3. Despite police investigations, the murder 7 (remain) a mystery up to now.
4. The marathon runner 8 (run) for almost two hours when
he 9 (collapse) to the pavement. He received immediate medical attention.
5. - That's a big stack of bills on your desk, Sam. Haven't you paid your bills this month?
- No. Nor last month. I know I 10 (be) irresponsible about paying my bills right now, but I've been really busy. I'll take care of them soon. Generally I 11 (not/be) an irresponsible person.
6. - When Mary went out this morning she left her briefcase here.
- She might 12 (mean) to leave it behind.
7.1 wonder why 13 (you/sit) there 14 (watch) television when you 15 (know) you ought 16 (get) on with your work?
5. Kimora is a Japanese student who 17 (study) English in the USA for about six months. Last Saturday she 18 (go) to the home of one of her American friends, Jason, who 19 (invite) Kimora to have dinner with him and his friends.
6. When I left the airport, John and his wife 20 (still/talk) to the customs official. They 21 (seem) 22 (have) some difficulty over their passports.
10.1 don't remember 23 (tell) of the decision to change the company
policy on holidays. When was it decided?
11. 24 (take) your advice he 25 (take) it for granted that you are responsible for everything.
12. Local authorities 26 (close) the temple to the public for it was under threat of destruction.
13. Official sources 27 (acknowledge) that it's hard 28 (maintain) order in the city. However, they 29 (doubt) there 30 (be)no violence.
14. Why Mark so 31 (embarrass) when we 32 (meet) him? – He 33 (not/do) very well in his exams and he 34 (have) yet another row with his father.
15. - You 35 (know) that he 36 (go) bankrupt?
- Oh, no! You 37 (must/need/have to, joke).
- One 38 (can/be able to/may, joke) about such things. -Tell me everything you know.
16. Jill 39 (may/might/can, fail) her exams. You see, she 40 (miss) classes of late.

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