2. select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences. 1. of the four dresses, i like the red one (better/best). 2. phil is the (happier/happiest) person that we know. 3. pat's car is (faster/fastest) than dan's. 4. this the (creamier/creamiest) ice cream i have had in a long time. 5. this poster is (colourfuler/more colourful) than the one in the hall. 6. does fred feel (weller/better) today than he did yester¬day? 7. this vegetable soup tastes very (good/well). 8. while trying to balance the baskets on her head, the woman walked (awkwarder/more awkwardly) than her daughter. 9. jane is the (less/least) athletic of all the women. 10. my cat is the (prettier/prettiest) of the two. 11. this summary is (the better/the best) of the pair. 12. your heritage is different (from/than) mine. 13. this painting is (less impressive/least impressive) than the one in the other gallery. 14. the colder the weather gets (sicker/the sicker) i feel. 15. no sooner had he received the letter (when/than) he called maria. 16. a mink coat costs (twice more than/twice as much as) a sable coat. 17. jim has as (little/few) opportunities to play tennis as i. 18. that recipe calls for (many/much) more sugar than mine does. 19. the museum is the (farther/farthest) away of the three buildings. 20. george washington is (famouser/more famous) than john jay.

petrachenkov201 petrachenkov201    1   08.07.2019 21:20    6

Sillyteenager Sillyteenager  15.09.2020 11:43
1/ better
2/ happiest
3/ faster
4/ creamiest
5/ more colourful
6/ better
7/ good
8/ more awkwardly
9/ least
10/ prettiest
11/ the best
12/ from
13/ less impressive
14/ sicker
15/ then
16/ twice more then
17/ little
18/ much
19/ farthest
20/ more famous.
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