2. розкриваючи дужки, вжити дієслово у правильній формі. 1. ron is in london at the moment. he … (stay) at the park hotel. he … (always / stay) there when he`s in london. 2. can we stop walking soon? i … (start) to feel tired. 3. can you drive? i … (learn) my father … (teach) me. 4. normally i … (finish) work at 5.00, but this week i … (work)
until 6.00 to earn a bit more money. 5. my parents … (live) in bristol. they were born there and have never lived anywhere else. where … (your parents / live)? 6. sonia … (look) for a place to live. she … (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere. 7. what … (your father do)? he`s an architect but he … (not / work) at the moment. 8. (at a party) usually i … (enjoy) parties but i …
(not / enjoy) this one very much. 9. the train is never late. it … (always leaves) on time. 4. розкриваючи дужки вжити дієслово у правильній формі: 1. a: let`s go to the beach. b: no, it`s too cold. if it … warmer, i wouldn`t mind going to the beach. (be) 2. a: did you go to the beach yesterday? b: no, it was too cold. if it … warmer, we might have
gone. (be) 3. if you … enough money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (have) 4. i`m glad we had a map. i`m sure we would have got lost if we … one (not / have) 5. the accident was your fault. if you … more carefully, it wouldn`t have happened. (drive) 6. a: why do you read newspapers? b: well, if i newspapers, i wouldn`t know what was happening in the world.(not / read)

LoliPeen LoliPeen    2   04.03.2019 11:00    0

YanaRy YanaRy  24.05.2020 02:10

1. Ron is in London at the moment. He is staying at the Park Hotel. He always stays there when he`s in London.

2. Can we stop walking soon? I am starting to feel tired.

3. Can you drive? I am learning. My father is teaching me.

4. Normally I finish work at 5.00, but this week I am going to work/am working until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

5. My parents live in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where do your parents live?

6. Sonia is looking for a place to live. She is stayng with her sister until she finds somewhere.

7. What does your father do? He`s an architect but he is not working at the moment.

8. (at a party) Usually I enjoy parties but I am not enjoying this one very much.

9. The train is never late. It always leaves on time.


4. Розкриваючи дужки вжити дієслово у правильній формі:

1. A: Let`s go to the beach.

B: No, it`s too cold. If it were warmer, I wouldn`t mind going to the beach. (be)

2. A: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

B: No, it was too cold. If it had been warmer, we might have gone. (be)

3. If you had enough money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (have)

4. I`m glad we had a map. I`m sure we would have got lost if we hadn't had one (not / have)

5. The accident was your fault. If you had driven/had been driving more carefully, it wouldn`t have happened. (drive)

6. A: Why do you read newspapers?

B: Well, if I didn't read newspapers, I wouldn`t know what was happening in the world.(not / read)

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