2. Read the following extracts and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Then, say what use of these tenses each extract shows. A These days, it seems everything 1) ...is changing... (change). Cities 2) (become) bigger and busier every year, technology 3) (develop) faster than ever before, and scientists 4)(learn) more about the way things work.

B Water 1)…………………….(boil) at 100"C and…………………………………(freeze) when the temperature 3) (drop) below 0°C. Salt water 4) (be) different, however.

C This film 1)(be) great! It 2) (have) an all-star cast and the script 3)(be) very funny. The action 4) (begin) when two young men 5) (try) to rob a bank

D ... Rogers 1) (kick) the ball and 2)(pass) it to Jones. Jones 3)(run) down the pitch. He 4) (pass) the ball to Smith who 5) (shoot) and 6) (score)

Sultan7393 Sultan7393    1   08.11.2020 23:53    2

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