2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.
1) Who___ (talk) to when I___ (see) you in the cafeteria yesterday?
2) You___ (phone) while I (have) ___a shower.
3) When I___ (get) home yesterday, my cat___ (sleep) on my pillow.
4) It ___(start) to rain just as we___(get ready) to have our picnic.

vika45584 vika45584    2   07.05.2020 10:52    3

alexgettx alexgettx  14.10.2020 09:29

1) Who were talking to when I saw you in the cafeteria yesterday?

2) You phoned while I was having a shower.

3) When I got home yesterday, my cat was sleeping on my pillow.

4) It started to rain just as we were getting ready to have our picnic.

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