2. Put the verb in brackets into a suitable present tense Silmalion: Martin is worried about his health so he goes to see his doctor. He first meets the doctor's receptionist.
R. i Good morning, sir. You (make) an appointment?
M: Yes. My name's Martin Jones.
R: Ah yes. Go straight in please, Mr Jones. Dr: Good morning, Mr Jones. How are you?
M: 2 Well, doctor, I (get) a pain in my chest for several days and I
3 (have) a lot of bad headaches in the lastwo weeks.
Dr: see. How long the headaches (last)?
M: 5 They usually (continue) for two to three hours. Dr: And when they (start)?
M:48 They generally (begin) when I (get) home from work at 5. 30. Dr: 9 I see, and what you (take) to ease the pain?
M.jopl always (take) two aspirins, but very often they not (help) at all. Dr:12 And this pain in your chest. Exactly how long it (trouble) you?
M: 13I (have) it since Monday. Dr. Mm, two days. Your chest (hurt) now?
M: 15 No, not at the moment. It generally (give) me most pain while I
16 (work).
Dr:n You ever (feel) this pain before?
M: No. Dr: к And you never (suffer) from regular headaches before?
M: 19 Well, I always (have) the occasional headache, but I never 20 (experience) so many in such a short time before. Is it serious,
Dr: No, but I would like to do some detailed tests at the hospital.

ruslan2003185 ruslan2003185    1   09.12.2020 12:47    3

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