2. прочитайте связный текст и измените слово в соответствии с контекстом. leo da vinci you have already read the da vinci code or seen the film. but who was leonardo da vinci? well, he was born in 1452 in italy. he is for his painting, the mona lisa. da vinci was also an 4 who designed a helicopter and a submarine before they were invented. leonardo thought that by how each part of a machine worked, he could change them and then put them together in 6 ways. in this way he could improve existing machines or create new ones. he drew his ideas so well that 500 years later his sketches were used for perfect working models. 1 rpobable 2 exact 3 fame 4 invent 5 understand 6 differ 7 make . 3. прочитайте связный текст и измените слово в соответствии с контекстом. packaging products in supermarkets are 1 presented in plastic bags, boxes or trays. people use . but ask yourself what is more important-content or the wrapping? yes, we do need packaging. it preserves goods, protects them from damages and makes them look presentable for most packaging is not it is dumped in landfills or burnt. this results in more but supermarkets are now working to cut back — packages become smaller, so use less energy to transport them. all this got to do with you, consumer. choose products that use minimum packaging, it can be 7 you can use glass jars for storing things. a lot of people in europe started sorting rubbish, which reduces the number of landfills as the rubbish is taken to the factory and a lot of new goods are produced of the recycled materials. 1 beautiful 2 excess 3 consume 4 recycle 5 pollute 6 manufacture 7 reuse 8 hopeful 9 recycle

markvT markvT    1   06.09.2019 09:10    14

ваня1358 ваня1358  01.09.2020 09:18
Какая фамилия автора и класс