2. прочитайте фразы, опираясь на изученные правила чтения гласных и сочетаний гласных a) i have a book. b) let’s have a break. c) we must lock the door, if we leave. d) she is ready to pay much money for good perfume. e) he got up on to the roof. g) you can see a firefly in the darkness. h) have you already had a breakfast? i) i ate the cake and drank coffee. j) the sky is grey in autumn. k) take a screenshot of your desktop. l) the girl is painting a tree. m) the proof they have is not a lot. n) she never eats meat. o) i want to be awakened. p) she has cool black car. q) he has no idea what to do. r) do you like apple pie? s) the huge dog bit many people. t) there is no reason to believe them u) what do you know about my life?

Rhhufyko Rhhufyko    2   22.09.2019 04:10    0

alex3942 alex3942  08.10.2020 08:38
A) aɪ hæv ə bʊk.
b) lɛts hæv ə breɪk.
c) wiː mʌstlɒk ðə dɔː ɪf wiː liːv.
d) ʃiː ɪz ˈrɛdi tuː peɪ mʌʧ ˈmʌni fɔː gʊdˈpɜːfjuːm.
e) hiː gɒt ʌp ɒn tuː ðə ruːf.
g) juː kæn siː ə ˈfaɪəflaɪ ɪn ðə ˈdɑːknɪs.
h) hævjuː ɔːlˈrɛdi hæd ə ˈbrɛkfəst?
i) aɪ ɛt ðə keɪk ænd dræŋk ˈkɒfi.
j) ðə skaɪ ɪzgreɪ ɪn ˈɔːtəm.
k) teɪk ə ˈskriːnʃɒt ɒv jɔː ˈdɛsktɒp.
i) ðə gɜːl ɪzˈpeɪntɪŋ ə triː.
m) ðə pruːf ðeɪ hæv ɪz nɒt ə lɒt.
n) ʃiː ˈnɛvər iːts miːt.
o) aɪ wɒnt tuː biː əˈweɪkənd.
p) ʃiː hæz kuːl blæk kɑː
q) hiː hæz nəʊ aɪˈdɪə wɒt tuː duː
r) duː juː laɪkˈæpl paɪ?
s) ðə hjuːʤ dɒg bɪt ˈmɛni ˈpiːpl.
t) ðeər ɪz nəʊˈriːzn tuː bɪˈliːv ðɛm
u) wɒt duː juː nəʊ əˈbaʊt maɪ laɪf?
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