2. Поставьте во к выделенным в () словам.
a) (On coming) home his father usually (has dinner).
b) Tom gets the University (by train because he lives far from it).
c) He went to the (library yesterday).
d) He will get a good job (after graduating from the University).

Ильха1 Ильха1    2   24.05.2020 12:38    0

kotrboy kotrboy  15.10.2020 07:27

A) 1. When does his father usually have a dinner?

2.What does his father often doing when he is coming home?

B) 1. How does Tom get to university?

2. Why does Tom get to university by train?

C) 1.Where he went yesterday?

2. When did he go to the library?

D) When will he get a job?

Отметьте как лучшее если не сложно

Zalina4272Bdjdkxc Zalina4272Bdjdkxc  15.10.2020 07:27


When does his father usually have dinner ?

What does his father usually do on his coming home ?


Why does Tom get to the University by train ?

c) When did he go to the library ?

d) When will he get a good job ?


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