2. Поставьте на правильное место в предложении наречия и обстоятельства, заключенные в скобках: 1. We have passed our examination (just).
2. They have finished their research work (already).
3. She has been late for classes (never).
4. We have not taken our exams (yet).
5. This student has worked hard (this month).

3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Perfect
1. I (to be) never to this city.
2. We (to finish) already our design.
3. I (to see) the dean today/
4. We (to make) three reports this month.

jumarova7946 jumarova7946    3   14.03.2021 21:43    11

лолкекчибурек1 лолкекчибурек1  14.03.2021 22:00

we just passed

they already have

she never has been

we have not yet

this student has worked this month

tatiana85gandzii tatiana85gandzii  14.03.2021 22:00

3. 1. I have been never to this city

2. We have finished already our design

3. I have seen the dean today

4. We have made three reports this month


Я написал только третье ибо второе не знаю

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