2.Подставь по смыслу make up/make out/make up with.
1. You should friends after that quarell(ссоры).
2. We cannot this rule.
3. When did you this story?I don’t believe you.

3.Подставь по смыслу LIVE, LEAVE учитывая время
1.It is my dream to in New York.
2.We are for London on April 5.

АлинаКотик11111 АлинаКотик11111    2   27.04.2020 09:52    2

bloxinilyxa bloxinilyxa  27.04.2020 10:30


1 They are always arguing, but they MAKE UP WITH again very quickly.

2 He's strange; i can't make him out.

3 They make up Full story.


1has been talking

2have been looking

3have been waiting

4has been playing

5have been living


1 You were playing showballs after the lessons, weren’t you?

2 You play snowballs every winter, don’t you?

3 You did your homework after school, didn’t you?

4 They entered the classroom after the teacher, didn’t they?

5 Money isn't everything, did is?


1 has to,

2 have to

3 have to

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