2. Образуй сложные существительные, используя слова:
board, end, cut, brush, ground, light. floor room, ball, work, paper, board, paste, task,
book, ache, clip, board, shelf, room
1. Home
2. tooth
10. cup
3. key
4. play
6. paper
7. head
8. hair
14. basket
9. bed
16. class​

nayahoff123 nayahoff123    2   21.05.2020 12:31    185

ура6 ура6  25.01.2024 10:13
1. Home + work = Homework - This compound noun refers to the tasks or assignments that a student has to complete at home.
Explanation: "Home" is a place where one lives, and "work" refers to tasks or activities done for a specific purpose. When combined, "homework" represents the work that needs to be done at home, typically given by teachers to students.

2. Tooth + brush = Toothbrush - A toothbrush is an oral hygiene tool used to clean teeth.
Explanation: "Tooth" is a hard structure found in the mouth, and "brush" is an instrument used for cleaning. Combining the two, "toothbrush" refers to a tool specifically designed for cleaning teeth.

3. Cup + board = Cupboard - It is a piece of furniture or a small storage space with shelves, typically used for storing cups and other kitchen utensils.
Explanation: "Cup" is a small, open container for drinking liquids, and "board" usually refers to a flat, rigid surface. When put together, "cupboard" represents a storage space where cups and other items can be kept.

4. Key + board = Keyboard - A keyboard is an input device used to type letters, numbers, and other characters on a computer or typewriter.
Explanation: "Key" refers to a small, usually metal instrument used for opening or locking doors, while "board" can mean a flat, rigid surface or part of a computer. "Keyboard" combines the two, representing the input device used to type on a computer or typewriter.

5. Play + ground = Playground - A playground is an outdoor area designed for children to play and have fun.
Explanation: "Play" refers to activities engaged in for enjoyment or recreation, and "ground" typically represents the surface of the earth. When joined together, "playground" signifies a designated area specifically designed for children to play.

6. Moon + light = Moonlight - Moonlight refers to the soft, silvery light produced by the moon.
Explanation: "Moon" is the natural satellite that revolves around the Earth, and "light" represents the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. "Moonlight" describes the illumination provided by the moon during the night.

7. News + paper = Newspaper - A newspaper is a printed publication containing news, articles, advertisements, and other information.
Explanation: "News" refers to current events or information, while "paper" can represent a thin sheet made from wood pulp used for writing or printing on. "Newspaper" combines the two, signifying a printed publication that provides news and other content.

8. Book + shelf = Bookshelf - A bookshelf is a piece of furniture with horizontal shelves used for storing books.
Explanation: "Book" refers to a written or printed work bound together, and a "shelf" is a flat, horizontal surface used for placing items. When combined, "bookshelf" represents a piece of furniture designed for storing books.

9. Paper + clip = Paperclip - A paperclip is a small, bent piece of wire used for holding sheets of paper together.
Explanation: "Paper" is a thin sheet used for writing or printing on, and a "clip" refers to a device used for holding things tightly together. "Paperclip" describes a small wire tool used for attaching or holding sheets of paper together.

10. Cup + cake = Cupcake - A cupcake is a small individual cake typically baked in a small cup-shaped paper container.
Explanation: "Cup" refers to a small, open container used for drinking, and "cake" is a sweet baked dessert. "Cupcake" is a smaller version of a regular cake, often baked in a cup-shaped paper container.

11. Cup + board = Cupboard - Already formed the compound noun above (see answer 3).

12. Book + note = Notebook - A notebook is a small book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes or recording information.
Explanation: "Book" refers to a written or printed work bound together, and a "note" is a written message or reminder. Combining the two, "notebook" represents a small book specifically used for taking notes.

13. Head + ache = Headache - A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head or upper neck area.
Explanation: "Head" refers to the uppermost part of the body, and "ache" means a continuous or dull pain. When combined, "headache" describes the specific pain or discomfort felt in the head or upper neck area.

14. Basket + ball = Basketball - Basketball is a sport played between two teams, where players try to score points by shooting a ball through a raised hoop.
Explanation: "Basket" usually represents a container made of woven materials, while a "ball" is a spherical object typically used in various sports. When joined together, "basketball" refers to the sport where players shoot a ball into a raised hoop, often played with teams.

15. Black + board = Blackboard - A blackboard is a dark-colored board, typically made of slate, used for writing or drawing with chalk.
Explanation: "Black" is a color that absorbs most light and reflects very little, while a "board" can mean a flat, rigid surface. "Blackboard" describes a specific type of board, typically dark in color, used for writing or drawing with chalk.

16. Class + room = Classroom - A classroom is a room used for teaching or group learning activities in an educational institution.
Explanation: "Class" refers to a group of students taught together, and a "room" is an area enclosed by walls. When combined, "classroom" represents the space or room where teaching and learning activities take place in a school or educational setting.
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