2 Look at the active sentence (A). Then complete the passive sentence (B).
► A: People write blogs on the internet.
B: Blogs are written on the internet.
1 A: Farmers in Asia grow rice.
is grown in Asia.
2 A: Shops sell suncream in the summer.
is sold in the summer.
3 A: We use hot water to make tea.
В: :
is used to make tea.
4 A: Nurses look after sick people in hospital.
are looked after in hospital.
5 A: Teachers teach science in most schools.
is taught in most schools.
6 A: Chefs cook chips in most restaurants.
are cooked in most restaurants.

45Эвлария 45Эвлария    2   13.04.2021 16:44    47

Лучший1111кар Лучший1111кар  09.01.2024 13:55
1 B: Rice is grown in Asia. Rice is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Grow" is the verb, so it changes to "is grown" in the passive voice. "In Asia" remains the same as it is the location where rice is grown.

2 B: Suncream is sold in the summer. Suncream is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Sell" is the verb, so it changes to "is sold" in the passive voice. "In the summer" remains the same as it is the time when suncream is sold.

3 B: Hot water is used to make tea. Hot water is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Use" is the verb, so it changes to "is used" in the passive voice. "To make tea" remains the same as it shows the purpose of using hot water.

4 B: Sick people are looked after in hospital. Sick people is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Look after" is the verb, so it changes to "are looked after" in the passive voice. "In hospital" remains the same as it shows where sick people are looked after.

5 B: Science is taught in most schools. Science is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Teach" is the verb, so it changes to "is taught" in the passive voice. "In most schools" remains the same as it shows where science is taught.

6 B: Chips are cooked in most restaurants. Chips is the object of the sentence, so it becomes the subject in the passive voice sentence. "Cook" is the verb, so it changes to "are cooked" in the passive voice. "In most restaurants" remains the same as it shows where chips are cooked.

In the passive voice, the subject of the active sentence becomes the object, and the verb changes to its passive form by adding "is" or "are" before the past participle form of the verb. The prepositional phrases or additional information about the location or time usually remain the same in both active and passive sentences.
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