2 free kick
3 goalkeeper
4 handball
5 pitch
6 referee
7 save
8 score
9 tackle
10 throw-in

1. An attempt to take the ball from a player in the other team
2. An opportunity to kick the ball without opposition from the other team
3. Get a goal
4. Something against the rules
5. Stop the ball from going into the goal
6. The act of throwing the ball from the sideline after the ball has gone out of play
7. The area of grass where the game is played
8. The person who is in charge of the game and who makes sure that the rules are followed
9. The player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring
10. When a player intentionally touches the ball with their hand or arm

roman81rudi roman81rudi    2   17.12.2020 16:00    0

Sanisle Sanisle  16.01.2021 16:01

1. tackle

2. free kick

3. score

4. foul

5. save

6. throw-in

7. pitch

8. referee

9. goalkeeper

10. handball

raminpomohs raminpomohs  16.01.2021 16:01
1) tackle

2) free kick

3) score

4) foul

5) save

6) throw-in

7) pitch

8) referee

9) goalkeeper

10) handball
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