2. Find the mistakes, then write the correct sentences 1) They travel often on business

2) At present our business do very well

3) He`s having meetings with customers every week

4) They always are early for work

5) How often are you visiting them?

6) She talks to some clients right now.

7) When do you finish usually work?

8) I`m having five weeks` holiday every year.

9) He studies for an exam at the moment.

10) Are you always travelling to work by car?

3. Past Simple

Complete the questions.

1. I went to New York. (Where ...?)

2. I was there for 3 days. (How long ...?)

3. I stayed at the Sheraton Hotel. (Where ...?)

4. I met some senior managers. (Who?)

5. I attended four meetings. (How many ?)

6. I got back yesterday evening. (When ?)

iarik2008 iarik2008    2   02.12.2020 14:51    5

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