2. Fill in the missing words

certificate , includes , will be , independent , spent , compulsory , qualify , physical , school, use

Primary Education
Education in Ukraine is (1 )…………from age 6 to age 15. The first 4 years are at elementary younger school. This introduces them to their ( 2)………….career in which they (3) ………..taught art and sciences from a practical orientation, so that they will be able to (4) ………….them too, in later life.
Middle Education
Lower secondary middle school is for scholars aged 10 to 15, following which they may ( 5)……………..for their lower secondary school leaving certificates. The curriculum (6) ………………the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language, algebra, biology, chemistry, geography, geometry, history, physics, music, art and (7)………..education.
Secondary Education
Thereafter 3 years may be (8) …………….at upper secondary school leading to a matriculation school (9)……………... In the process, school students take a series of (10)………………..government tests, culminating in a final one that examines their /knowledge of Ukrainian language and literature, English / German / French / Spanish, as well as biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics.

хавал хавал    3   07.11.2021 09:42    2

Нафунька Нафунька  07.11.2021 09:50

1 compulsory

2 school

3 will be taught

4 use

5 qualify

6 includes

7 physical

8 spent

9 certificate

10 independent

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