2. Fill in the gaps, using the words and word combinations Pagan, density, exceeds, city dwellers, barbarian tribes, swords, invaded, elongated, to conquer, predominated
1. The Celts were good worriers. They were armed with and spears.
2. In the 1st century AD the Romans Britain.
3. Natural economy in Britain in early medieval times.
4. In 1066 William, the Duke of Normandy, began to gather the army Britain
5. In East Anglia, rain falls one day out of three and evaporation rainfall.
6The civilized Romans were and they began to build towns.
7Early in the 5th century the Roman legions were recalled from Britain to defend the central provinces from the attacks of the
8. The Anglo-Saxons were when they came to Britain.
9. The considerable contrasts of climate within the comparatively small area of Britain are partly due to the shape of the country.
10. The average population in Britain is about 240 inhabitants per square kilometre.

lolisgd lolisgd    2   08.12.2020 20:06    1

sofia2004417 sofia2004417  07.01.2021 20:07

1. The Celts were good worriers. They were armed with swords and spears.

2. In the 1st century AD the Romans invaded Britain.

3. Natural economy predominated in Britain in early medieval times.

4. In 1066 William, the Duke of Normandy, began to gather the army to conquer Britain.

5. In East Anglia, rain falls one day out of three and evaporation exceeds rainfall.

6 The civilized Romans were city dwellers and they began to build towns.

7 Early in the 5th century the Roman legions were recalled from Britain to defend the central provinces from the attacks of the barbarian tribes.

8. The Anglo-Saxons were Pagan when they came to Britain.

9. The considerable contrasts of climate within the comparatively small area of Britain are partly due to the elongated shape of the country.

10. The average population density in Britain is about 240 inhabitants per square kilometre.


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