2. дополните вопросы глаголами для простого времени do или does. для длительного времени am, is или are. do does am is are you looking for your gloves? you know the supervisor? i driving the road tanker too fast? your brother work as a roustabout? the seismic operator recording the data? your father work on saturdays? they having a holiday? we need any protective equipment? harry drilling? jim and jerry go to the oil rig together?

Даниил358 Даниил358    3   26.09.2019 07:40    2

lisafoxxxxxxxx lisafoxxxxxxxx  08.10.2020 20:13
1) Are you looking
2) Do you know the
3) Am I driving the road
4) Does your brother work as a
5) Is the seismic operator
6) Does you father work on
7) Are they having a
8) Do we need any protective
9) Is Harry drilling?
10) Do Jim and Jerry go to the
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