2. divide the verbs into two groups: regular and irregular. разделите глаголы на две группы: правильные и неправильные. looked, said, visited, watched, came, ate, drank, helped, was, rode, danced, swam, walked, ran, learned, were. 3. write the verbs in the past simple tense. напишите глаголы в простом времени have — pick — play — go — fly — drive — listen — take — give — 4. correct the wrong statements about the life of cave people. make negative sentences in the past simple tense. исправьте неправильные утверждения о жизни древних людей, образовав отрицательные предложения в простом времени. 1) cave people lived in houses. 2) cave people ate pizza. 3) cave people watched tv. 4) cave people went to school. 5) cave people wore dresses. 5. write questions to the following sentences. напишите вопросы к данным предложениям 1) i went to school yesterday. 2) liz visited her granny in summer. 3) mary played the piano in the evening. 4) cave people wore animal skins. 5) i was at the seaside in summer.

ВикаГросс ВикаГросс    3   31.08.2019 22:10    20

evgeniaf399 evgeniaf399  06.10.2020 08:30
2. Regular: looked, said, visited, watched, helped, danced, walked;
irregular: came, ate, drank, was, rode, swam, ran, learned, were. 

3. have - had; 
pick - picked;
play - played; 
go - went; 
fly - flied; 
drive - drove; 
listen - listened; 
take - took; 
give - gave. 

4. 1) Cave people didn't live in houses. 
2) Cave people didn't eat pizza. 
3) Cave people didn't watch TV. 
4) Cave people didn't go to school. 
5) Cave people didn't wear dresses. 

5. 1) Did I go to school yesterday? 
2) Did Liz visit her granny in summer? 
3) Did Mary play the piano in the evening? 
4) Did cave people wear animal skins?
5) Was I at the seaside in summer? 
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