2) Dan and Edmond Have/has/haves a big house.

3) Lisa Walk/walks/walkes to school every day.

4) Mom go/gos/goes shopping every Friday.

5) When she Come/comes/comees home from work, she eat/eats/eates dinner.

6) They like/ likes/likees Antonio Banderas.

7) He work/works/workes very hard.

8) Judy Start/starts/startes her day with a big breakfast.

9) She do/does/dos her homework in the afternoon.

10) The Smiths buy/buies/buys flowers from this florist shop.

птмпль птмпль    3   26.11.2020 22:49    3

спроситьнадо спроситьнадо  26.12.2020 22:50

1) Kate enjoys going to the cinema.  (Kate = she,  глагол используется с окончанием -s )

2) Dan and Edmond have a big house.  (Dan and Edmond = they)

3) Lisa walks to school every day.

4) Mom goes shopping every Friday.

5) When she comes home from work, she eats dinner.

6) They like Antonio Banderas.

7) He works very hard.

8) Judy starts her day with a big breakfast.

9) She does her homework in the afternoon.

10) The Smiths buy flowers from this florist shop. (речь о семье Смитов)

Portée Portée  26.12.2020 22:50

1) enjoys

2) have

3) walks

4) goes

5) comes, eats

6) like

7) works

8) starts

9) does

10) buy


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