2. conditional ii. put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. if you …………… (do) more exercise, you …………… (feel) better. 2. what …………… (you / do) if you ………… (win) a million pounds? 3. if someone …………… (come) in here with a gun, i …………… (be) very frightened. 4. if i …………… (be) you, i …………… (learn) french before traveling to france. 5. i'm sure fred ……………… (understand) if you …………… (explain) the situation to him. 6. my husband …………… (be) very upset if i …………… (lose) my wedding ring.

ivan200302 ivan200302    3   24.06.2019 10:20    3

Mashshka Mashshka  19.07.2020 22:47
1. If you did more exercise, you would feel better.

2. What would you do if you won a million pounds?

3. If someone came in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.

4. If I were you, I would learn French before traveling to France.

5. I'm sure Fred would understand if you explained the situation to him.

6. My husband would be very upset if I lost my wedding ring.
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