2) Complete the text with the Past Simple forms of the brackets. Поставьте
глаголы в скобках в времени.
Last August (1)…… (go) to a summer camp and this is the book I (2) ……(read)
there. It` called How to Survive Summer Camp and it's by Jacqueline Wilson. I
(3)…… (not buy) the book – my sister (4) ….. (give) it to me for my birthday.
The book is about a girl called Stella at the Evergreen Summer Camp. At first
Stella (5) …… (not be) happy, but in the end she (6) …… (enjoy) her holiday.
The people (7) …… (be) nice, she (8) …… (not want) to go home! I really (9)
…… (like) this book. It (10) …… (be) very funny, and I recommend it to anyone
who is going to go to a summer camp this year!

Cobachka16 Cobachka16    2   26.05.2020 13:22    1

tisochkin123 tisochkin123  18.08.2020 23:18

1. Went

2. Read

3. Didn’t buy

4. Gave

5. Wasn’t

6. Enjoyed

7. Were

8. Didn’t want

9. Liked

10. Was


alina0901200432 alina0901200432  18.08.2020 23:18
1. Went
2. Read (читается как [рэд]
3. Didn’t buy
4. Gave
5. Wasn’t
6. Enjoyed
7. Were
8. Didn’t want
9. Liked
10. Was
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