2 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun. 1 I'm making myself a sandwich 2 Karen cut on some broken glass on the beach 3 We really enjoyed at the party Thanks! 4 They bought some new clothes in the sales 5 My computer turns off to save energy when I don't use it. 6 Here's the pizza, everyone! You can all help 7 He hurt quite badly when he fell off his bike 8 Wow! Did you do that all by or did someone else help you?

yrik0440 yrik0440    3   08.12.2021 02:48    0

syr00 syr00  08.12.2021 06:00

2. cut herself on some glass

3. enjoyed ourselves

4. bought themselves

5. to save itself energy

6. you can all help yourselves

7. hurt himself

8. do that all by yourself

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