2. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Вставь подходящий предлог по смыслу. 1. I'll hang … here until the others come.

2. If you hang … until my sister gets home, you can meet her.

3. Where do the teenagers hang …?

4. Do you still hang … with the same friends?

5. Don't hang … , I haven't finished talking to you!

6. Hang … ! I'll be back in a minute.

7. Nobody wants to hang … the shops with their girlfriends.

8. Hang … and your dreams will come true!

Pacan4ikForever Pacan4ikForever    1   10.02.2021 08:17    0

sofavorobyova17 sofavorobyova17  12.03.2021 09:20

. I'll hang on here until the others come.

2. If you hang on until my sister gets home, you can meet her.

3. Where do the teenagers hang out?

4. Do you still hang  on with the same friends?

5. Don't hang out , I haven't finished talking to you!

6. Hang on ! I'll be back in a minute.

7. Nobody wants to hang out the shops with their girlfriends.

8. Hang on and your dreams will come true!


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