2 * Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
0 The official fired the gun and the race began (begin).
1 It was raining when Ferguson
his Ferrari
2 When I reached the 10km sign, the fastest runners
(already/cross) the finishing line.
3 The race began at 4.00 and the last cyclist
(finish) at exactly 5.08.
4 Diane was already at the gym when she realised she
(forget) her towel.
5 Fyfe and Scott
(climb) Everest when
the accident happened.

PANDAnumber PANDAnumber    1   11.12.2020 12:07    3

kimvlad1712 kimvlad1712  10.01.2021 12:08
crashedalready crossedfinishedforgot

5. climbed

Надеюсь, понятно)

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