2 Complete the reported speech sentences, 1 "I'm learning how to do first aid" Debble said she was learning how to do first aid
2. "We're good at putting on bandages" James said they
3 "The patient is feeling much better" The doctor said the patient
4 "I need to use the telephone."
Toby said he​

Montes776 Montes776    1   01.02.2021 19:30    37

Yfnfif2617 Yfnfif2617  18.01.2024 17:06
2. James said they were good at putting on bandages.
Explanation: In reported speech, we need to change the pronouns and verb tenses according to the context. Since "James" is the subject of the sentence, we need to change it to "he" or "she" depending on the gender of James. In this case, we don't know the gender, so we can use "they" as a neutral pronoun. Additionally, "are" changes to "were" to reflect past tense.

3. The doctor said the patient was feeling much better.
Explanation: Here, we have to change the present tense verb "is" to the past tense verb "was" to match the reported speech.

4. Toby said he needed to use the telephone.
Explanation: In this sentence, "need" changes to "needed" to reflect the past tense in reported speech. Additionally, we change the pronoun "I" to "he" to match the reported speech.

Overall, it is important to remember that reported speech requires changes in verb tenses, pronouns, and sometimes other words in order to accurately convey the original speaker's words to someone else.
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