2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the future continuous, future perfect, or the first conditional.

Andy We’ve nearly finished cleaning the kitchen − we 1

(clean) every room in the

house by eight o’clock.

Kate Yes, and at 8.30, I 2

(lie) in bed − I’m exhausted!

Helen 3

(your brother / go) to university if he 4

(do) well in

his exams next year?

Julie Yes, and if he 5

(get) really good marks, he 6

(study) medicine and become a doctor.

Ben 7

(people / still / use) mobile phones in 2050?

Jessica No, I don’t think so. Within thirty years, we 8

(invent) better technologies than

mobile phones.​

ExplodingPies ExplodingPies    3   19.02.2021 13:08    14

Клямпер Клямпер  15.01.2024 21:02
Andy We’ve nearly finished cleaning the kitchen − we will have cleaned every room in the house by eight o’clock.
Explanation: The future perfect tense is used to express an action that will be completed before a certain time in the future. In this case, Andy is stating that they will have completed cleaning every room in the house by eight o'clock.

Kate Yes, and at 8.30, I will be lying in bed − I’m exhausted!
Explanation: The future continuous tense is used to express an ongoing action that will happen at a specific time in the future. In this case, Kate is stating that at 8:30, she will be lying in bed.

Helen Will your brother go to university if he does well in his exams next year?
Explanation: The first conditional is used to express a future possibility based on a condition. In this case, Helen is asking if her brother will go to university if he does well in his exams next year.

Julie Yes, and if he gets really good marks, he will study medicine and become a doctor.
Explanation: The first conditional is used to express a future possibility based on a condition. In this case, Julie is stating that if her brother gets really good marks, he will study medicine and become a doctor.

Ben Will people still use mobile phones in 2050?
Explanation: The first conditional is used to express a future possibility based on a condition. In this case, Ben is asking if people will still use mobile phones in 2050.

Jessica No, I don’t think so. Within thirty years, we will have invented better technologies than mobile phones.
Explanation: The future perfect tense is used to express an action that will be completed before a certain time in the future. In this case, Jessica is stating that within thirty years, better technologies than mobile phones will have been invented.
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