2 Complete the conversations with the present simple, present continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 A W here do you work ?

B Well, norm ally I in Berlin, but_I in

Stuttgart at the m om ent, (work)

2 A y o u Jake?

B Yes, we each other for a few years, (know)

3 A y o u in London?

B Yes, I do. Actually, I there all my life, (live)

4 A Jam eela’s busy at the m om ent. She a piano


B Oh yes, of course. S he one every Wednesday.


5 A y o u Andy yet?

B I him right now, actually, (email)

6 A How m any Facebook frien d s y o u ?

B Not many. I think I about fifty or sixty.

(have got)

7 A I for my phone.

B you in the kitchen? I think I saw it

in there a few m inutes ago. (look)

8 A Y ou Karen quite often, don't you?

B Usually, yes. But I her for a few weeks

now. (see/not see)

9 A I a great book at the m om ent - Tribal Life by

Bruce Jam es. y o u it?

B No, but I another one of his books, (read)

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