2 Complete each sentence with a/an and the a) There's knite in me second drawer.
b) I'm going to ... baker's to buy
Rolling Stones are
very old rock group.
d) There's
e) David is
doctor at
local hospital.
f) We missed
beginning of
g) Mary plays
violin in
h) It's long time before
train arrives.

7LittleKitten7 7LittleKitten7    2   04.11.2020 07:27    18

уляотличница уляотличница  19.01.2024 12:22
a) There's a knife in the second drawer.
Explanation: We use "a" before a noun when it is the first mention or an indefinite reference. In this sentence, "knife" is mentioned for the first time, so we use "a" before it.

b) I'm going to the baker's to buy a loaf.
Explanation: We use "a" before a singular countable noun when it is mentioned for the first time. In this sentence, "loaf" is mentioned for the first time, so we use "a" before it.

c) The Rolling Stones are a very old rock group.
Explanation: Since "Rocking Stones" is a proper noun (the name of a specific group), we use "the" before it. However, in this sentence, "rock group" is mentioned as a general category, so we use "a" before it.

d) There's a cat in the garden!
Explanation: "Cat" is a singular countable noun mentioned for the first time, so we use "a" before it.

e) David is a doctor at the local hospital.
Explanation: "Doctor" is a profession and singular countable noun mentioned for the first time, so we use "a" before it. "Local hospital" is a specific hospital, so we use "the" before it.

f) We missed the beginning of the...
Explanation: In this sentence, "beginning" is mentioned for the first time as a specific time reference (the beginning of something), so we use "the" before it.

g) Mary plays the violin in a quartet.
Explanation: "Violin" is a specific musical instrument, so we use "the" before it. "Quartet" is an indefinite reference to a group, so we use "a" before it.

h) It's a long time before the train arrives.
Explanation: "Long time" is an indefinite reference to a duration of time, so we use "a" before it. "Train" is mentioned for the first time, so we use "the" before it to refer to a specific train.

In summary, we use "a" before a noun when it is mentioned for the first time or an indefinite reference, and we use "the" before a noun when it is a specific reference.
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