2. choose the proper answer. 1. not many people like criticized. a were b been c being d be 2. how long have you waiting? a be b been c being d were 3. sorry i'm late. i'm afraid my bike's stolen. a been b were c being d be 4.you need a lot of qualifications a doctor. a being b to be c been d be 5.don't worry about attacked in the streets at night. this country is much safer than england. a to be b been c being d be 6. i wouldn't mind asked to do a difficult job if they paid me well for doing it. a being b been c to be d be 7. i haven't seen you for ages. how have you ? a be b being c been d to be 8. lucky steve. he'll __ on the beach in the sun now. a been b to be c being d be 9. i wouldn't like in your shoes right now. what a terrible situation! a being b been c be d to be 10. has anything said about the plans for the trip to bath next weekend? a be b to be c been d being

AnyMay00853 AnyMay00853    3   10.06.2019 18:10    1

aliina000 aliina000  01.10.2020 23:55
1 c
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 c
6 a
7 c
8 d
9 d
10 c
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