2.Choose the correct item.

1. I still have some difficulty … portraits, but I’ll improve with practice.

A painting B to paint

2. Judy is … person I’ve ever met, she hardly talks to anyone.

A the most shy B the shyest

3. Though the film has a(n) … cast, it hasn’t received very good reviews

A box office B all-star

4. By the time Luke gets here, we … for him for more than an hour.

A will wait B will have been waiting

5. This cut on your leg looks bad, you need to … by a doctor.

A be seen it B have it seen

6. If I … you, I’d cut down on all that junk food.

A were B had been

7. You can’t invite … you want to the party! We can only have 20 guests.

A whoever B whenever

8. That dress looks … perfect on you. You should buy it.

A very B absolutely

9. With five children running around, it’s not always easy to … the house tidy.

A keep B do

10. He can’t come to the cinema tonight, he … to a fancy dress party with his sister later.

A is going B have gone

margarita030620 margarita030620    3   07.05.2020 17:26    2

pandokokos22jopar pandokokos22jopar  14.10.2020 10:11
1 painting
2 the shyest
3 a box office
4 will have been waiting
5 have it seen
6 were
7 whoever
8 absolutely
9 keep
10 is going
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