2 Choose the correct answer A, B or C. o Watching A films is scary - I can't sleep afterwards!
A horror B romantic C documentary
1 This film _ on the life of a real historical character
A is based B takes place C plays the role
2 The _ for the film is great and I know all the songs!
A screenplay B setting C soundtrack
3 The _ of the film was complicated and hard to
A act
B sculpture C plot
4 Some of the _ in the film were full of tension
A episodes B scenes C chapters
5 Being a film _ must be a great job.
A reporter B presenter C critic
6 I like watching -
shows because they make me laugh
A comedy B music C thriller
7 These photos are very old, so they're in
A abstract B black and white C special effects
8 The lead actor gave a great _ in the film.
A dialogue B character C performance

AndreiBrazhnikov1 AndreiBrazhnikov1    2   08.02.2021 15:48    2

nikitana1995 nikitana1995  08.02.2021 15:50

A) horror

1) B

2) C

3) C


5) A

6) A

7) B

8) C

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