2. a) Read or listen to the text. Were you right? One day Dinara, a loving aunt, went shopping for new clothes. After a
few hours of searching, she came back home tired and disappointed She
couldn't find a nice dress to buy. "Hundreds of women in Kyrgyzstan
have the same problein and I will help them," thought Dinara. With
very little money she decided to start up her own business.,
Dinara designed some dresses, bought suitable material and a sewing
machine. She turned her bedroom into a workshop. When the dresses
were ready, Dinara offered them to a famous clothes shop. To her
surprise, they bought the whole collection at once! When they asked
her about the name of her company, Dinara looked at her niece Aigul,
smiled and said: "Crazy Aunt". The dresses were sold out in a very
short time women liked Dinara's models. In a month, the manager
of the shop ordered more clothes from "Crazy Aunt” and Dinara had
to hire more people and find a bigger place for the workshop. After a
few years Dinara opened her own shop in Bishkek.​

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