2.5.6 прочитайте ситуации. дайте совет согласно модели: model: your friend has a bad toothache. - if i were you, i would go to the dentist's. your friend can't decide whether to go to the cinema, or stay at home. if …………………………………………… cinema. your friend wants to take a taxi but doesn't have enough money. if …………………………………………… take a taxi. your friend is having problems with english tenses. if …………………………………………… teacher. your friend always feels tired in class, and sometimes falls asleep! if …………………………………………… bed early. your friend wants to start smoking cigarettes. if …………………………………………… because it is bad for your health. your friend wants to take more exercises and be fit. if …………………………………………… a sports club. your friend can't translate the text on his own. if …………………………………………… use a dictionary. your group-mate is often late for classes. if …………………………………………… set the alarm-clock. your friend is planning to go abroad. if …………………………………………… studying english.

Ryfili Ryfili    3   30.07.2019 18:00    4

SlowMoe SlowMoe  28.09.2020 06:23
If I were you, I would go to the cinema.
If I were you, I would not take a taxi.
If I were you, I would ask a teacher for help.
If I were you, I would go to the bed early.
If I were you, I would not start smoking cigarettes, because it is bad for your health. 
If I were you, I would attend a sports club.
If I were you, I would use a dictionary.
If I were you, I would set the alarm-clock.
If I were you, I would studying English.

за правильность ответов не ручаюсь, но вроде как все по правилу сделала:) 
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