2.15. Complete the following sentences with the present simple form of the verb in brackets, as in the model.
Model: - My friend ... Russian literature very well. (know)
- My friend knows Russian literature very well.
1. 1 ... to the University at 8.40 a.m. (come)
2. The lectures usually at 8.50 a.m. (start)
3. After lessons Ann ... to the library.(go)
4. We... on Sundays. (not stud)
5. Andrew ... a lot of English words. (know)
6. Nobody ... me with my homework. Thelp)
7. ... your group-mates ... all the lectures ? (artend)
8. Our teacher never ... late. (come)
9. Sandra ... many friends at the universi.y. (not have)
10. Students ... new words before the lesson. revise)
11. Henry is very shy so he never ... in students conferences. (take part)
12. On Saturday we have only two pairs of lessons. For that reason
everybody ... time to go to the library. (have)

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