2 1.Выберете правильное относительное местоимение и переведите его на русский язык

Choose the correct item.

1 Avet is someone ... treats sick animals. C who

A whose B which 2 The girl ... lives here is Nikki's sister.

A that 8 which C whose

3 met a girl ... mother is a famous actress

A who B whose C that 1ke him.

4 Tom is very reliable. That's A where B when C why

5 That's the clinic.. Christina works. A where B when C which

2 Вставьте в предложения пропущенные относительные местоимения (whеrе, when, who, whose, why) e.g. Jane, whose favourite hobby is fencing, also loves swimming,

16 He explained



.. .. he did it.

A doctor is someone

sick people.

This is the park

play chess

helps treat

*- people come to


2004 was the year

*** we competed in the skateboarding tournament. 20 Oh! Is she the person. . house is for


2 1.Выберете правильное относительное местоимение и переведите его на русский язык Choose the correc

solnechnaya2 solnechnaya2    3   12.11.2020 19:15    2

kareta2004 kareta2004  12.12.2020 19:24

1. С) who

2. А) that

3. B) whose

4. C) why

5. А) where

16. Why

17. Who

18. Where

19. When

20. Whose

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