1) how old he next month? (be)
2) he the vase while he the exhibits. ( drop, examine)
3) a crocodile never but it as if it smile, look, do)
4) he the buried treasure while he for worms. ( find, dig)
5)- why are your trousers dirty?
-i the ground ( dig)
6) in 490 bc the greeks a battle at marathon, about 42 kilometers from athens. (win)
a greek soldier all the way to athens to tell the citizens the good news. ( run) unfortunately the pool man die)
7) i just to the museum. have a look! i some souvenirs ( be, buy)
8) perhaps i some souvenirs next sunday. ( buy)
9) he completely forgot where he the car ( park)
10) the island of madagascar in the indian ocean. ( lie)
11) the game by santa claus last year. ( bring)
12) he said santa claus him the game two days before ( bring )
13) he in santa claus now. ( not believe)
14) when you oleg last time? (see)
15) i think he us as soon as he to the hotel ( phone, get)

тупой810 тупой810    2   01.12.2019 20:21    362

otlichnikcom otlichnikcom  16.01.2024 12:47
1) How old will he be next month? (be/Would)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the person mentioned will have their birthday in the next month. Therefore, their age will increase by one. For example, if they are currently 10 years old, they will be 11 years old next month.

2) Did he drop the vase while he was examining the exhibits? (drop, examine/Was)
To answer this question, we need to use the past continuous tense because the action of dropping the vase and examining the exhibits happened at the same time in the past. This implies that he was examining the exhibits when he accidentally dropped the vase.

3) A crocodile never smiles, but it looks as if it is smiling. (smile, look/Does)
To answer this question, we need to understand that crocodiles do not have the ability to smile, but their physical appearance suggests that they are smiling. This implies that they look as if they are smiling, even though they are not actually smiling.

4) Did he find the buried treasure while he was digging for worms? (find, dig/Was)
To answer this question, we need to use the past continuous tense because the action of finding the buried treasure and digging for worms happened at the same time in the past. This implies that he found the buried treasure while he was engaged in the activity of digging for worms.

5) Why are your trousers dirty?
To answer this question, we need to understand that the person's trousers are dirty and the question seeks an explanation for it. The response could be: "I was digging in the ground."

6) In 490 BC, the Greeks won a battle at Marathon, about 42 kilometers from Athens. (win)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the Greeks were victorious in a battle that took place in Marathon in 490 BC. This implies that they emerged as winners after the battle.

Unfortunately, the runner who was meant to reach Athens to inform the citizens of the victory died. (run/die)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the runner who was supposed to deliver the news of the victory to Athens, unfortunately, died before he could reach his destination.

7) I just came from the museum. (be/buy)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the speaker recently visited the museum. They might also explain that they bought some souvenirs while they were there.

8) Perhaps I will buy some souvenirs next Sunday. (buy)
To answer this question, we need to comprehend that the speaker is contemplating the possibility of purchasing souvenirs on the upcoming Sunday.

9) He completely forgot where he parked the car. (park)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the person mentioned has completely forgotten the location where they left their car.

10) The island of Madagascar lies in the Indian Ocean. (lie)
To answer this question, we need to understand the geographical location of Madagascar, recognizing that it is situated in the Indian Ocean.

11) Did Santa Claus bring you the game last year? (bring)
To answer this question, we need to understand that Santa Claus delivered the game to the person asking the question during the previous year.

12) He said that Santa Claus brought him the game two days before. (bring)
To answer this question, we need to understand that someone reported the statement of another person who claimed that Santa Claus brought them the game two days prior.

13) He does not believe in Santa Claus. (not/believe)
To answer this question, we need to comprehend that the person mentioned does not have any belief in the existence or actions of Santa Claus.

14) When did you last see Oleg? (see)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the person asking wants to know the most recent occasion on which someone saw Oleg.

15) I think he will phone us as soon as he gets to the hotel. (phone, get)
To answer this question, we need to understand that the speaker believes that once Oleg arrives at the hotel, he will immediately contact them.
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