2.08 Complete the key phrases from the dialogue. Who says them? Listen and check.
Then practise the dialogue with a partner
KEY PHRASES O Identifying people
Who's that guy / girl¹__ there?
I think I've seen him/her²_
The guy / girl with ³_ ?
What ⁴_ him/her?
Do you ⁵_ him/her?
He/She looks ⁶_ someone famous.
He / She's got⁷__

Pronunciation: Diphthongs Workbook page 99​

znanijacom77 znanijacom77    1   15.12.2020 16:44    6

Bogdan8950 Bogdan8950  14.01.2021 16:44

1. Over

2. Before

3. Long hair

4. About

5. Know

6. Like

7. An interesting face

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