1what (you / enjoy most) about school? 2 what (you / like least)? 3 what subjects (you / study) this year? 4 when (you / start) at this school? 5 (you / know) anyone at this school when you first came? 6 (you / ever / have) any problems at school? 7 if yes, (you / talk) to a teacher about them? 8 if yes, (the teacher / be) helpful and supportive? 9 (you / think) anything could be improved at your school? 10 (you / receive) any advice at school about what to do next year?

mgolubev13 mgolubev13    2   26.09.2019 06:50    1

sashacom13 sashacom13  08.10.2020 20:09
1 What do you enjoy most
2 What do you like least
3 What subjects do you study
4 When do you start
5 Did you know
6 Have you ever had
7 If yes, did you talk
8 If yes, was the teacher helpful
9 Do you think
10 Do you receive
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