1our neighbour suffers heart disease. 2 walt disney died lung cancer as a result of smoking. 3 many famous musicians of the 1960s were addicted drugs. 4 i’m allergic milk. i can’t eat ice cream. 5 ann had really bad pneumonia last winter, but she recovered it completely. 6 they operated him last night and he’s already getting better. 7 my grandpa is seventy, but he’s still good shape. 8 i’ve got a bad pain my left leg.

есенгельды есенгельды    3   21.07.2019 07:00    3

juljadob54 juljadob54  23.09.2020 06:52
1 from
2 of
3 to
4 to
5 from
6 on
7 in
8 in
pya98 pya98  23.09.2020 06:52
1 Our neighbour suffers from heart disease. 2 Walt Disney died of lung cancer as a result of smoking. 3 Many famous musicians of the 1960s were addicted to drugs. 4 I’m allergic to milk. I can’t eat ice cream. 5 Ann had really bad pneumonia last winter, but she recovered from it completely. 6 They operated on him last night and he’s already getting better. 7 My grandpa is seventy, but he’s still in good shape. 8 I’ve got a bad pain in my left leg.
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