№1match the sentences with the responses.1. we’ll be in touch! a) i worked in a bank last year.2. i’m dick brown. b) i`ve got a university degree.3. are you married? c) thank you! 4. please. have a seat! d) thanks! i don’t mind standing.5. what qualifications do you have? e) nice to meet you! 6. do you have any job experience? f) well, i think right now! 7. when can we start? g) no, i’m single, job experience? №2match the words and definitions.1. tornado a) a very light rain2. hail b) a snowstorm with strong winds3. sleet c) small balls of ice that look like rain4. drizzle d) a violent storm with winds which move in a circle5. blizzard e) a mixture of rain and snow№3choose the correct answer. write only the letter.1. it was … hot. even in the shade it was over thirty above zero.a) boiling b) warming c) heating2. some people think that … aerobics three times a week is the best way to keep fit.a) playing b) making c) doing3. we packed both light and warm clothes because the weather can be really ….a) impredictable b) no-predictable c) unpredictable4. i … under the table to plug the lamp in.a) walked b) moved c) crawled5. it was … cold and the warm sleeping bag was what i needed.a) frozen b) freezing c) froze№4open the brackets. use the present simple or the future simple. write only one word.i don’t know when my elder brother 1. (come) back home. if he 2. (come) after eight, he 3. (miss) his favourite tv show.№5choose the most appropriate pronoun. write only the letter.1. he is very lazy. he hardly ever does … work.a) some b) no c) any d) anything2. when we were on holiday, we spent ….a) much b) a lot of c) many d) a lot3. i don't like stories have … unhappy endings.a) - b) they c) who d) that4. i asked two people the way to the station but … of them knew.a) none b) neither c) both d) either5. how many exercises are left for us to do? – ….a) no b) no one c) none d) not one.№6choose the correct answer. write only the letter.1. the measurement of heart …, or pulse, is represented in beats per minute.a) rating b) rank c) rate2. «i can’t … my breath! » is probably the most common of all panic symptoms.a) catch b) find c) chase3. ben heard the good news and sighed … relief.a) in b) with c) by4. sam … his knee playing football yesterday.a) pained b) hurt c) damaged5. the skin has a network of small blood … with small muscles in their walls.a) vessels b) veins c) arteries№7form adjectives with a negative meaning using a prefix.1. …correct 2. …necessary 3. …employed№8choose the correct answer. write only the letter.1. how long … english? a) have you do b) do you do c) have you been doing2. tim … out. he’ll be back in a couple of minutes.a) went b) has gone c) has been3. i didn’t hear the phone ring. i must ….a) be asleep b) have been asleep c) be sleeping№9fill in the gaps with the correct grammatical forms of the words. write only one word.sherlock holmes is a fictional detective. since his creation in 1887 by the well-known 1. (write) sir arthur conan doyle, he has appeared in many books, films, tv series and even computer games. the latest version of sherlock holmes is a bbc production which features benedict cumberbatch and martin freeman, two 2. (fame) actors, as the two main characters.this recent bbc production is the most modern version of the 3. (tradition) sherlock holmes stories. it shows modern day crimes in modern day london. in the show sherlock, played by cumberbatch, and his partner watson, played by freeman, solve 4. (differ) crimes together. although they often argue with each other and 5. (agree) on things, they still work together.the film has everything: 6. (mystery) crimes, great characters, investigation, 7. (fun) bits. and surely there’s real 8. (friend). this is a sherlock set in 2011, where there are cell phones, email, blogs and all of this is used in the most. 9. (impress) way. many say it is the best modern sherlock adaptation and it is 10. (certain)worth your time.№10put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable passive forms. write only one word.accidenta young man 1. (take) to hospital after his bmw collided with a volvo near york last night. he 2. (allow) home the next morning. the road 3. (block) for half an hour after the accident and traffic had to 4. (divert). a police inspector said that the man was lucky, as he could 5. (kill).№11choose the correct answer. write only the letter. 1. i wonder who made you … that.a) to do b) do c) doing2. it's a big company. hundreds of people …there.a) are employed b) employ c) are employed3. i hope you remember … me a good job.a) to promise b) promise c) promising​

PuvMan PuvMan    3   13.05.2019 03:15    15

ника2735 ника2735  09.06.2020 23:51


1. c)

2. e)

3. g)

4. d)

5. b)

6. a)

7. f)


1. d)

2. c)

3. e)

4. a)

5. b)


1. a)

2. c)

3. c)

4. c)

5. b)


1. will come

2. comes

3. will miss


1. a)

2. d)

3. d)

4. a)

5. c)


1. c)

2. a)

3. b)

4. c)

5. a)


1. incorrect

2. unnecessary

3. unemployed


1. c)

2. a)

3. b)


1. writer

2. famous

3. traditional

4. different

5. disagree

6. mysterious

7. funny

8. friendship

9. impressive



1. was taken

2. was allowed

3. was blocked

4. be diverted

5. been killed


1. b)

2. a), c)

3. c)

P.S В последнем номере два ответа, потому что два одинаковых варианта. Да, в некоторых номерах тут есть опечатки, осторожней. Удачи!

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