1Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu is an ancient Kazakh ...
a novel
b legend

2What type of story is The Lord of the Rings?
a horror
b fantasy
3Which detective did Agatha Christie write
about in her crime novels?
a Hercule Poirot
b Sherlock Holmes

4 Abay Qunanbayuli is famous for his ...
a plays
b poems
5When did William Shakespeare write his plays?
a about 400 years ago
b about 100 years ago

6Нow many dwarves are in the fairy tale
Snow White and the ... Dwarves?
a ten
b seven

7Who wrote the classic novel Oliver Twist?
a Jane Austen
b Charles Dickens
8Where is the location for the comic book
a France
b Japan​

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