1i regret (tell) mary the whole truth about her son’s accident. it was too much for her. 2 the sightseeing tour was so tiring that we stopped (take) a rest at the nearest café. 3 did you remember (buy) milk and cornflakes for the children? 4 she knows your telephone number. have you forgotten (give) it to her?

Nastena11102003 Nastena11102003    2   25.06.2019 02:50    3

LAMuK LAMuK  02.10.2020 10:46
1 I regret telling Mary the whole truth about her son’s accident. It was too much for her. 2 The sightseeing tour was so tiring that we stopped to take a rest at the nearest café. 3 Did you remember to buy milk and cornflakes for the children? 4 She knows your telephone number. Have you forgotten to give it to her?
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